Friday, July 29, 2011

Staying Motivated

So you are all gun ho to look for a new job, start a project, lose weight, paint the house or whatever your ambition is and after only a few days or weeks you begin to lose interest, motivation or hope. This happens to just about all of us! I can't say for sure why it happens but I certainly can give you some ideas on what to do to rekindle the excitement that you once had.

Here are a 3 simple things you should do:

1. Check Your Thinking: Positive energy begins in the mind. The thoughts we consistently think attract what it is we get in life. If we think negative thoughts we will act out those thoughts and naturally receive negative results. However by thinking about what want and focusing on the positive, we will act accordingly thus achieving success.

2. Check Your Feelings: Forget how you feel about the project, task or situation. Decide that you will feel successful and give yourself a pep talk. Repeat out loud positive affirmations such as "You can do this!", "You are successful!", "You can do anything!" and watch how quickly your physical and mental energy increases. If you think this is all bunk I dare you to try it! It works. William James, the Father of Modern Psycology, says that "Feelings follow action." If we want to feel differently, then we must act differently. Dale Carnegie tells us "If you ACT in enthusiastic then you will BE enthusiastic!"

3. Check Your Action: Are what you do and say consistent with what you REALLY want. Talk is cheap but it is what we do that matters. Remind yourself of what it is you really want and then gosh darn it take action and DO something, even if it is small. The only way to get what you want to to take action. If you feel like you are in a rut then try a new approach, do things differently, keep things fresh.

In short, you can reignite your motivation by thinking and acting in a manner that is consistent with what you want to achieve.

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